Archibus Space Inventory

Knowing how much space an entity has, and how efficiently it is being used, is essential for managing the organization’s Total Cost of Occupancy.

To expedite self-service access to space inventory and usage reports for decision support, Archibus Space Inventory provides an integrated Web-based solution for viewing and managing an organization’s different types of space (such as departmental boundaries/rooms/common areas, vertical penetrations, service areas, and more) to ensure optimal space allocation.

With this application, managers can plan for greater space efficiency by co-locating departments and identifying opportunities for consolidation.

Archibus Space Inventory


  • Deliver flexible, self-service reporting for effective space allocation and cost control
  • Improve evaluation of building performance and enables accurate benchmarking
  • Enhance design/planning capabilities to use space more efficiently
  • Support business results with Archibus Quick-Start, a productivity aid which includes tutorial videos and “How To” instructions
  • Increase productivity with Archibus All-in-One Home Page with quick access to 80% of tasks