The Challenge
The 16th Airlift Squadron is an active unit of the United States Air Force, assigned to the 437th Airlift Wing, based at Joint Base Charleston, SC. In the spring of 2020, the Commander at the time, Lt Col Alex Pelbath, was in search of a leadership development workshop they could pair with their periodic leadership meetings. These meetings featured 25-30 key leaders in various roles and departments that support worldwide airlift operations, training development, and base sustainment. In his years of experience and education, the commander knew the importance of self-awareness and the impacts team member natural workstyles have on leadership effectiveness. We were able to deliver a program that featured both 1:1 sessions as well as a workshop to demonstrate those impacts.
The Solution
We were able to deliver a number of key data points and reports that each participant was able to understand and ultimately leverage moving forward. Our team worked and delivered 21 individual, 30-minute 1:1 data read-back sessions in a little over a week and a half. These sessions provided an excellent opportunity for participants to clearly understand their natural work style and also uncover areas of their work environment that may have been presenting the most challenges. Each participant came away with an understanding of how their work style interfaces with some of their key team members. They were also able to understand how they are “showing up” as leaders for their teams which is an important part of developing an effective leadership style. Lastly, our 2-hour workshop provided a forum for an interactive discussion of the key initiatives facing each participant and how their individual and collective work styles impacted their ability to deliver on those initiatives.

Key Takeaways

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