GovLoop Covers the Management of Change Conference (MOC)

Go check out Christopher Dorobek’s GovLoop article on the Management of Change Conference hosted by ACT-IAC that we participated in this month…

The workplace is changing. Many organizations are essentially downsizing their real estate footprint because it isn’t needed — many people aren’t in the office regularly… but those organizations also can’t afford it if they want to remain competitive in a very competitive environment.

Those changes are starting to be seen in the government as well. For some, it is telework — the Patent and Trademark Office has made telework an essential part of how it does business… and GSA’s headquarters renovation features a very new way of working — few set offices and a more open environment.

At the recent Management of Change conference, sponsored by the American Council on Technology and the Industry Advisory Council, I moderated a series of discussion looking at what they billed as the “open, flexible government.” A moment of honesty: When the team first asked me to participate, I was suspicious. The topic seemed outside the “normal” realm, both for the conference and for me. That being said, as I did my own research on the topic, I was increasingly interested in this evolving workplace world. And, with all of those caveats, the discussion was enormously illuminative.

Below are the takeaways as presented at MOC itself… (read the entire article here)