August 6th, 2020
The Building People
215 Depot Court SE
3rd Floor
Leesburg, VA 20175
Ph. 703.669.2222
Leesburg, VA – August 6th, 2020 – The Building People, LLC has announced the purchase of their new headquarters office building located at 215 Depot Court SE, 3rd Floor, Leesburg, VA 20175 on April 25th, 2020.
The purchase and acquisition of the 25,000 square foot building located at 215 Depot Court SE, Leesburg, Virginia was for the sole purpose and benefit of establishing a long term headquarters for The Building People, LLC, with a vision toward growth and innovation. The new headquarters office, conveniently located near the Southwest area of Old Town Leesburg, is known as a thriving Arts & Cultural District at the intersection of Harrison St SE and the W&OD bike trail, just a short walk from several beautiful parks, fine restaurants and unique shops. Historically, the Site was used as a bulk petroleum storage and distribution facility between approximately 1927 and 2001. In June of 2001 McKinley Properties, Headquarters in Ann Arbor, MI purchased the property and used it as a parking lot before developing what was formerly known as Leesburg Junction in 2002. The building is also located within the designated Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) within the Town of Leesburg.
What makes this purchase unique is that it was able to move forward during a national pandemic, when times of uncertainty have limited the opportunities for success and growth. The Building People’s ability to make this acquisition happen during these challenging times is paramount to the company’s perseverance and hard work.
CEO and Founder of The Building People, Lawrence Melton said: “We’re proud to call the Town of Leesburg and Loudoun County home and look forward to many more years of success and collaboration with other local businesses. We couldn’t have pulled off this incredible acquisition without the great support of our local community including key support from Paul Bice and the team from John Marshall Bank, Benjamin Leigh from Atwill, Troxell & Leigh, P.C., Bob Gordon from Loudoun Commercial Title, LLC, Jason Paisley from Business Finance Group, Inc. and of course the Small Business Administration’s Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area District Office including Mr. Roderick Johnson and Pamela Mannion.”
Mr. Roderick Johnson, Lender Relations/Small Business Development Project Officer and the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area District Office team in the U.S. Small Business Administration said: “As a Lender Relations/Small Business Development Project Officer for the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area District Office, we are committed to assisting small businesses with the capital to start, grow, and sustain their businesses. Especially during Covid-19, the WMADO team when called upon wanted to ensure we did all we could to assist The Building People with receiving the financing for their new building located in both a Hub and Opportunity Zones in Leesburg, VA. The WMADO team congratulates Lawrence Melton with his achievement of securing the property in Leesburg, VA.”
This building purchase will allow The Building People to expand their headquarters team into a larger office space as well as support local small businesses with the use of their event space within the new building. Executive Director of Loudoun County Virginia Economic Development, Buddy Rizer said: “This is outstanding news! Congratulations and thanks for your investment in Loudoun… You’ve made my day! The Building People is an absolute ‘LoudounPossible’ success story. What Larry and his team has built is nothing short of amazing, and I could not be more proud of them. I congratulate them on their success and thank them for their confidence in Loudoun and their investment in our future.”
The Building People integrate technology, buildings, and people to deliver the future of facilities today. The company offers an array of facility management services, including building automation technology, energy and sustainability solutions and advanced asset management strategies to monitor and maintain buildings in efficient and cost-effective ways.
215 Depot Court SE, 3rd Floor, Leesburg, VA 20175 | Ph. 703.669.2222 |